I'm Possible | A Night of Fashion, Film & Fun

I'm Possible | A Night of Fashion, Film & Fun

"There's no such thing as impossible, for the word itself says 'I'm Possible'" -Audrey Hepburn 

inclusive models wearing eco friendly & sustainable swimwear spaced out collection by voglia swimwear

On Saturday, October 9 , Third Shift Productions produced their annual fashion show fundraiser, I'm Possible | A Night of Fashion, Film & Fun which "is an event where models with disabilities share the runway with their non-disabled model peers. It's an evening where all handicap labels are removed and replaced with only one -- Supermodel."

We were honored to participate and showcase both our Spaced Out collection & Genie's Lounge.

Inclusion isn't about treating those with a different ability as a novelty item. It's about treating them the same as everyone else. If you ain't down with that, you just ain't cool. Incredible things happen when everyone is included. Inclusion is in. Ignorance is out. #IAMPOSSIBLE

voglia swimwear  genie's lounge by voglia swimewar Voglia swimwear voglia swimwear        
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